Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ask me anything! Live chat 5/20/14 3pm Eastern

Wanna be part of an autoimmune-focused internet chat with me? I'm going to be in the chat room this Tuesday, May 20, 3-4pm Eastern time (USA).

My chat is freestyle- no interviewer asking me questions. That was my choice.
I plan to chat about using humor as a way to gain some control, be happier and be healthier emotionally. BUT... we can talk about anything autoimmune that you like. A number of people are doing "A day in the life," so if you want to know about a day in my life, that's open for discussion. Really anything is, but let's try to stick to things that are somewhat related to humor, healing, or illness topics. Because if you get me started on The Big Bang Theory (The TV show, not the actual theory) or Looney Tunes, we'll eat up the whole hour on either of those.

What do you wanna talk about? Think about it, write it down or send yourself an email so you'll remember, and bring it to the chat room this Tuesday! There is a small fee to attend. If you wait until after the conference, I believe you can view all the content for free (but you can't interact or ask questions, because it'll all be recordings).

Official Blurb:
World Autoimmune Arthritis Day 2014 is here- and is designed in a high tech, virtual convention site specifically so all nonprofits, supporters, and patients around the world, regardless of location or physical capability can join. The live portion, which is 47 hours (or May 20th in every time zone around the world), is filled with interactive chats, forums, and a feature A Day in the Life of an Autoimmune Arthritis Patient series. The Day in the Life helps patients understand how to better manage their disease and invites supporters to "walk in our shoes" for a day in the way of challenges.

The fee to attend the LIVE portion of WAAD14, which provides access for the entire 47 hours, is $5 USD prior to the event and $7 at the door. This event is planned, designed, and run by the International Foundation for Autoimmune Arthritis, a 501c3 charity headquartered in the US. REGISTER HERE:

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