Sunday, December 12, 2010

eating out gluten free

I used to believe that if i just didn't eat wheat, I was gluten free. Then I found out i needed to avoid oats, barley and rye. Anyhow a lot of breads that say "rye" are wheat plus rye. Then I started finding out how many places wheat and gluten are hidden- soy sauce, shampoo (!), envelope glue, sauces, whipped cream, oy! Here I was having given up so many foods I love (pizza, pasta, cake, sandwiches) and I was still eating gluten and not even knowing it. That made me really mad! Then, of course I adjusted.

Eating out has been challenging, but I have found a few places near me that have great salad bars (stick to oil and vinegar dressing to be sure you're not getting hidden gluten), no croutons, no crackers. One chain I have found that is extremely gluten-free friendly is Uno's. They have a gluten-free menu that includes, among other things, PIZZA! It still has cheese, and people, we shouldn't be eating tons of cheese, but as an occasional treat, once every couple months, it keeps me from falling off the wagon after watching everyone around me eat whatever they please all day long.

I think if you join their page on facebook you can get some coupons, sometimes really good ones like buy one get one free entree.!/UnoChicagoGrill

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