Friday, December 28, 2007

I'm not sick this Christmas

After sitting around for several hours at my parents' house enjoying
my favorite Christmas present (besides being alive), a Van Halen
Pictorial history book, I began waxing philosophical (Van Halen does
that to me- well, VH with David Lee Roth. Sammy Hagar, not so
much)... I have been reflecting upon the gifts that 2007 brought me.
Which included seeing Van Halen on tour, with Diamond Dave, at
Madison Square Garden. I screamed for 2 hours and smiled for a week.
Also, getting married to my lovemuffin ( and going
to Hawaii on honeymoon (and surfing!). Not necessarily in order of
gratitude, but definitely in increasing order of likelihood (as in
not-a-shot-in-H-E-doubletoothpicks, whodathunkit, and maybe

It's hard to believe that just over a year ago I had canceled our
wedding due to illness (last October, my 3rd episode of kidney
failure since 1993. I got sprung from the hospital on Halloween-
hospital robe- instant costume!). I'm feeling much better now, partly
because I scaled back my concerts for 2007 and have been more
conscious of preserving my Qi (energy/ life force). For example, I no
longer sleep in the van (partly because I traded it in), and I try to
fly more and drive fewer hours. I also gave up Diet Coke and began
getting acupuncture again (it's been a while). I've felt less
zombie-esque this past month than I have in probably 18 months. So,
who knows, I may even feel human in 08! I just hope it doesn't ruin
my comedy. ;)

listen to funny songs at


  1. I've never known much about Lupus before and was totally shocked (yet thankful) that my doctor was so insistent about it. I'm so glad to see and read your blog and webpage, you've got a lot of energy and promote the illness in a very positive way. Kudos and good health to you and your family!

  2. Glad you feel better. Its hard slowing down with lupus, then we realize of My why didn't i slow down when a lupus flare smacks you in the butt. WIshing you many more luppie performances
